Board Meeting Videos

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Full-length videos (and audio) are available on a paid-subscription basis of $36 per year ($3 per month). If you would like to know what is going on in our village but are shy of the cost, I suggest you attend the meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M.. Hope to see you there!

Want to know what actually happens at Board Meetings?

Full video (or audio) is provided through a collaboration of community members. While these services were originally intended to be free and open to everyone, certain decisions by the Board of Trustees has resulted in this change. For $3 per month, $36 billed annually, these videos are again provided to the public. By subscribing, you agree that you have read agree to the below disclaimer and copyright information.


  • August 3, 2021
  • September 7, 2021
  • October 2021 – There was no meeting.
  • November 10, 2021
  • December 7, 2021



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